Filtres de la recherche en cours :

Datation : Le 5 septembre 1930

Commentaire datation : Datation fournie par les Archives de Californie (voir Bibliographie) ( datation min. : 1930, datation max. : 1930 )

Auteur du cliché : George Lewis

Editeur : Keystone View Company , mention d'édition : Keystone View Compagny

Lieu de la prise de vue : Biarritz , Nouvelle-Aquitaine , France /Europe/France/Nouvelle-Aquitaine/Pyrénées-Atlantiques/Arrondissement de Bayonne/Biarritz

Texte au recto : A gauche, verticalement : Keystone View Compagny copyrighted made in U.S.A. Manufacturers Publishers A droite, verticalement : Meadville, Pa., New York, N. Y., Chicago, Ill., London, England. En haut, au centre : 449 Sous l'image de droite : 29616 The Casino and the Grande Plage, Biarritz, France.

Texte au verso : 29616 THE CASINO AND THE GRANDE PLAGE, BIARRITZ, FRANCE Down in the southwestern corner of France, on breaking cliffs washed by the turbulent blue waters of the Bay of Biscay, lies Biarritz, a beach resort of creature comforts and high luxuries. It is visited annually by more than half a million people. Before 1838 it was but a small fishing village of a few hundred inhabitants. Today the town has a population of 14,000. It owes its vogue to the royal approval of Empress Eugenie with whom it was a favorite resort. After her marriage to Napoleon III, she built here a palace—the first to be erected—that is now a part of the sumptuous Grand Hôtel du Palais on the Grande Plage. It was not long until other royal residences were also established and now magnificent villas, casinos and palaces stretch inland along the rocky shores and up the hillside. There are two beaches for Biarritz is sit- uated on a promontory pointing to the northwest. Here you see the Grande Plage, the beach to the northeast. It is more than half-a- mile long extending to the lighthouse at the left on Cap St. Martin. The Casino is the first building at the right. The country around Biarritz is some of the loveliest in Europe. Visitors are also attracted by the mild climate for Biarritz has blue skies and warm sunshine even in December. Its beaches are protected and bathing can be enjoyed in all seasons. All the smart sports of fashion are found here. But there is also escape for those who do not care for the life and chatter of the Casinos for the cliffs have beautiful descending drives and paths that possess a wild and untamed grandeur the hotels and villas cannot destroy. <em>Copyright by The Keystone View Company</em>

Texte lisible dans l'image : HOTEL LEFEVRE

Analyse :

La Villa Eugénie construite en 1854 comme résidence d'été pour la famille impériale subit diverses transformations, en casino et en hôtel, avant d’être ravagé par un incendie en 1903. Ce lieu est reconstruite et est aujourd'hui un hôtel de luxe.

Bibliographie :

Etat de conservation : excellent

Lieu de conservation : Pessac

Type de support : Photographies collées sur carton

Dimensions du support : 17,7 x 8,8

Dimensions de l'image Haute Définition : 8443 X 4149 pixels

Information développement : Positif

Information couleur : Noir et Blanc

Date d'entrée dans la stéréothèque : Octobre 2022

Proprietaire : M. Le Menn

N° d'inventaire : LM148

Elaboration de la notice : Chloé Bernard (indexation collaborative)