Vue de la Tour Eiffel et du Champs de Mars depuis le palais du Trocadéro
Légende sur document :
29609 The Eiffel Tower and Champs de Mars from the Trocadero Palace, Paris, France.Légende imprimée sous l'image de droite. Encre de couleur noire.
Mots Clés
Paris 07 Palais-Bourbon Palais Pont en arc Tour Capitale Espace vert jardin parc Esplanade Automobile Arbres Femme Eiffel Gustave Lampadaire Grille d'entrée Chapeau ToqueCollection
LE MENNDatation : Le 1 Février 1932
Commentaire datation : Datation fournie par les Archives de Californie (voir Bibliographie) ( datation min. : 1932, datation max. : 1932 )
Auteur du cliché : George Lewis
Editeur : Keystone View Company , mention d'édition : Keystone View Compagny
Lieu de la prise de vue : /Europe/France/Île-de-France/Paris/Paris/Paris 07 Palais-Bourbon
Texte au recto : A gauche, verticalement : Keystone View Compagny copyrighted made in U.S.A. Manufacturers Publishers A droite, verticalement : Meadville, Pa., New York, N. Y., Chicago, Ill., London, England. En haut, au centre : 413 Sous l'image de droite : 29609 The Eiffel Tower and Champs de Mars from the Trocadero Palace, Paris, France.
Texte au verso : 29600 THE EIFFEL TOWER, PARIS, FRANCE No Frenchman and no visitor to France of the present day could imagine a perspective of Paris in which the most conspicuous object would not be the Eiffel Tower. As one writer has said, in describing the view of the city from one of the distant hills which surround it: "Through the pearly haze of the afternoon sunshine, at one extremity of the splendid panorama, like the pillar of cloud set by Jehovah before the face of Israel, rushes skyward the shaft of the Eiffel Tower, about whose pinnacle play the invisible lightnings that syllable men's thoughts across the seven seas." The last words refer to the fact that the tower houses one of the most powerful wireless telegraph stations in existence, which during the World War played a prominent part in the radio communications of the Allies. Ever since it was built for the Paris exposition of 1889, the Eiffel Tower has dominated the skyline of the city, and in the huge elevators which travel to its top, millions of visitors have ascend- ed it to enjoy the vast outlook visible from its apex. The tower was built by the French engineer. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel. It rises 300 meters (984 feet) above the ground. Its base consists of four great uprights of iron lattice work, which, about half-way to the top, unite in a single shaft, so large that the pavilion on the third platform, 900 feet above the street, will hold 800 people. Only two other buildings in all the world exceed it in height, both New York skyscrapers. One is the Chrysler Building, completed in 1930, which with its steeple rises 1,046 feet from the ground; the other, the Empire State Building (1931), 1,248 feet high. <em>Copyright by The Keystone View Company</em>
Analyse :
Plusieurs photos sont prises le même jour à travers ce porche. C'est celle ci qui sera choisie pour être dans la collection de vues. (voir biblio)
Bibliographie :
Etat de conservation : excellent
Lieu de conservation : Pessac
Type de support : Photographies collées sur carton
Dimensions du support : 17,7 x 8,8
Dimensions de l'image Haute Définition : 8434 X 4158 pixels
Information développement : Positif
Information couleur : Noir et Blanc
Date d'entrée dans la stéréothèque : Octobre 2022
Proprietaire : M. Le Menn
N° d'inventaire : LM111
Elaboration de la notice : Chloé Bernard (indexation collaborative)